Public Safety, Police Officer Locker Room, Police Department Facility

The Key to Retention Is In the Locker

Spacesaver’s officer lockers help support more serene shifts.

February 17th, 2023 - 2 min read

Successful crime prevention is built on the ability of the police and community members to work together to identify and address current and potential issues. From this partnership, the community is made safer and in turn, officers’ workdays are less dangerous. A simple enough theory on the surface, but when you look deeper there are a lot of items that come into play; not the least of which is the systems, processes, and gear officers use to remain ready for patrol.

For the dedicated members of the Mishawaka, Indiana Police Department, being best prepared for the field meant having quick and easy access to the equipment they needed to handle whatever may come their way on a given day. For this, officers look to the solutions their respective commanding officers provide to protect said equipment, as well as the personal items they bring to and from the facility. One of these solutions – personal storage lockers – serves as the confident starting point, constant reassurance during, and welcoming conclusion of each shift. Let’s take a look at the value an upgrade of these versatile solutions brought to the department and its members during their recent change of headquarters.

The Impact of Inefficiency

Being mentally and physically prepared for what may lie ahead in their shift is crucial for law enforcement officers. Much of this preparation takes place in the locker room, where uniforms, tactical gear, and arms are commonly stored between shifts. That said, poorly designed or outdated storage solutions can make all the difference in the outcome of the workday.

Mishawaka Police Department old locker room with tan lockers

Old Locker Room

Mishawaka Police Department old locker room with tan lockers

NEW Locker Room

Prior to moving into their current facility, the Mishawaka PD was housed in a concrete block building built in the 1990s that featured outdated amenities throughout the space. This locker room was a strewn together, banged up collection of lockers mirroring those you’d find in a typical high school athletic room. Employing a one-size-fits-all aesthetic frozen in the decade the building was constructed, officers of varying heights and builds were finding it difficult to properly access features and accessories. This made getting ready for their shift a physically and mentally taxing activity, depleting their preparedness and morale.

Searching For Backup

Upon purchase the of a 92,000-SF building in the heart of the city, Mishawaka city administrators set the plan to combine three of their services – City Hall, Utilities, and Police Department – into motion. While all three entities were in need of an upgrade in their space and solutions, a large focus was put on increasing support for the members of the Police Department, both as a recruiting tool and a retention strategy.

FreeStyle® Personal Storage Lockers

Download our brochure for all the product details, accessories and configurations.

Knowing more efficient options were required to securely store a growing assortment of officer gear and personal belongings, administrators surveyed regional case studies and conducted on-site visits to discover what solutions would suit the new facility. They found having the ability to walk through the spaces and obtain literature to reference after the fact, helped to move decision making along in terms of what options they felt would have a major impact on department operations and morale.

A Welcoming Environment For Officers

The result of this diligent research is a setting that is as inspiring as it is inviting, allowing officers to safely and efficiently prepare for their shift and comfortably unwind upon its completion. By utilizing Spacesaver’s FreeStyle® Personal Storage Lockers, the department was able to accommodate the specific needs of the individuals who use them and create a support structure for those working in sometimes turbulent conditions.

spacesaver officer personal vest storage lockers and bench
Mishawaka police department locker room design

Capable of being outfitted with a wide variety of accessories for tactical gear and weapons storage, the personal storage lockers also offer users the ability to store personal gear including tablets, cell phones, and firearms. Additionally, as no officer is “one-size-fits-all”, each locker in the Men’s and Women’s locker rooms includes integral benches designed to accommodate individuals of all shapes, sizes, and accessibility levels.

When it was time to determine the color scheme for the lockers, administrators wanted to make sure they matched the modern look presented throughout the space. They felt by combining the orientation of the solutions with specific colors they could both help users understand where their space is and further distance them from the dark and uninviting nature of their previous location.

In the end, what was once a necessary stop on the way to and from their respective shifts, is now a welcome destination officers enjoy spending time in.

Mishawaka police station locker room
public safety evidence storage cage shelving design

Going Above and Beyond

Our industry-leading lockers were just one part of the transformation our local expert facilitated for the department. The complete project featured solutions for a wide range of uses including evidence processing, weapons storage, personal and professional storage, and record keeping. With these in place, sworn officers and supporting staff can more efficiently and accurately carry out their mission to protect and serve the community.

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